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Multicultural Approach to Human Behavior_Exploring Reactions

Multicultural Approach to Human Behavior_Exploring Reactions

Q Exploring Reactions The authors of your textbook, Sue and Sue, openly criticize the mental health field—psychology in particular—for multicultural insensitivity. For this discussion: • After reading the first chapter from Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, comment on your own reactions, negative or positive, to what Sue and Sue have to say. • What suggestions or changes, if any, would you make to present this information in a way that seems less reactive? • Why do you think this text is so commonly used to address issues of cultural diversity and multiculturalism in psychology and other social science fields? Response Guidelines Review the posts of your peers and respond to at least two. Try to respond to peers who have a differing opinion.

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Sue and Sue has criticized Psychology for being culturally insensitive. It is true that Psychology as a science always tries to be objective and I think that is a reason which makes it equal for all people. Often it forgets to take in the cultural differences. But on the other hand in the cases of personality theories, it can be seen that the developmental theorists have especially paid attention to the cultural issues and they have realized that culture does pay an important role. My reactions, are essentially negative, so that the subject at it is own cannot be called ass culturally insensitive, rather there are some theorists who have been at different time been culturally insensitive and also in some cases they have been culturally sensitive